What I'm Playing Now - Episode 057 (audio only)

So there's a lot of changes going on within the site right now.  I just flipped the switch to put the new template live and I have a new mic that I recorded the podcast with tonight.  I'll be working on the audio for weeks to come still but I think I have a pretty good setting for this first time out with it.  Here's what I talked about on the show and the source link is below.   Enjoy the Episode.


What I’m Playing Now

  1. Hoard
  2. Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Skull and Shackles
  3. Dominion online
  4. Rollers of the Realm
  5. OlliOlli
  6. Kanban
  7. Marvel Dice Masters
  8. Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor

What I WANT to play Now!

  1. Scrolls
  2. Sol Forge
  3. Talisman digital