My first box insert

So tonight I had to skip Dice Masters as I had some stuff to do around the house.  I was able to get in some time in my office and put together my first purchased box insert for a game.  I have both sets of the Pathfinder Adventure Card game and I transport the Skull and Shackles box quite a bit for Organize Play.  The last time I was moving it in my car I tipped it sideways a little bit and cards ended up on top of each other.  I started searching for inserts and found a really nice one at  This insert is very nice and was pretty easy to put together. It took me a few extra minutes as I did glue the main pieces together with some wood glue to it was nice and sturdy in the box.  Here is the finished, still drying, product.

I have to say, this makes the box look incredibly professional.  I also think that with the side being so high, that I don't have to worry about tipping this box just a little bit and ending up having card go everywhere.  Once I get the box fully populated tomorrow night, I will do some tests and report back with how everything goes.

What I'm Playing Now - Episode 56

I have episode 56 of the podcast here and I apologize for the audio, as it appears my mic was acting up half way through the episode.  I played some really good games this past week and attempted and then successfully played the heaviest game I think I have ever tried in Kanban.  Check out the episode and keep an eye on my write up of what some of my thoughts on Kanban are and some tips on the game.  Enjoy the episode.

What I'm Playing Now - Episode 55 (audio only)

Hey everyone, I just recorded and posted episode 55 of the podcast, the first one for 2015.  Wow, another year over and so many games to play.  I was able to play a few good games this week, but the one I think I spent the most time playing was 7 days to die.  I'm really enjoying this zombie survival game and can't wait to start playing some co-op with this.  I ran a couple of really good scenarios for the organized play of the Pathfinder Adventure Card game and even though we ran out of time on both occasions, I think everyone still had a good time.  We'll continue to work on our team work and we will beat the villains!  I played a few other games and of course I ended the episode where I talked about a few things I'm looking forward to.  Enjoy the episode!!! 

What I'm Playing Now - Episode 54 (audio only)

Hey everyone, I just recorded and uploaded episode 54.  Things got a little hectic last week with the holiday so I wanted to make sure I got one more podcast recorded before the end of the year as I've been busy playing lots of stuff.  Some of the games I played this week were, Small World, Race Formula 90, Formula D, Dragon Age: Inquisition and The Crew as well as a few others.  I also talked about a few of the games I want to play like 7 days to die, that I picked up from the Steam Christmas sale.  Enjoy the episode.

What I'm Playing Now - Episode 53

I just finished editing the audio portion of episode 53 and I'm ready to go play some more Dragon Age: Inquisition so I'm gonna make this quick.  I played a bunch of great games this week, starting off with The Castles of Burgundy(number 11 on Board Game Geeks overall board game list) as well as The Resistance: Avalon.  I also broke in my new GTX 970 with The Crew and Dragon Age: Inquisition.  I played a few other games that I talked about and mention one game I would really like to play.  Enjoy the episode.

WIPNcast 052 has been recorded

I have recorded episode 52 of the podcast and have it uploaded to the site.  If you would like to watch the video of the podcast, please watch below.  I talked about the passing of Ralph Baer as well as The Game Awards and Sony's PlayStation Experience.  I also talk about a bunch of games I played this week including, Diamonds, Village, Sheriff of Nottingham, Dice Masters, Pathfinder Adventure Card game as well as a few others.  Hope you enjoy the episode.

Gonna do another Wednesday night Podcast....

Things got a little hectic over here tonight, so it looks like I will do another podcast Wednesday before the Diablo 2 stream on   I will probably keep the same format as last week which is more oriented around just what I played for the week and pretty much not discuss much news. 

I played a bunch of good games this past week so here's a teaser; Village, Diamonds and Sheriff of Nottingham.  I also started playing a few other video games as well.  I will also be sending my regards in the passing of Ralph Baer the father of video games.  If you are coming to this site, then I am sure you know who he is and what he meant to the industry.

Until Wednesday, keep playing those game and let me know What Your Playing Now!

WIPNcast 051 has been recorded and uploaded

A few days late, but better late than never.  I didn't want to skip this week as I played a bunch of games last week and I wanted to talk about all of them.  I didn't do a video podcast for this episode, so you can find the audio HERE.  I talked about all the games I teased in my last post as well as a few others.  I also hit on a new draft style we tried for Dice Masters where we drafted both Avengers vs. X-men cards as well as Uncanny X-men cards for the draft and it was pretty fun.  Enjoy the episode!