Episode 8

News Stories

  1. Steam suffers ddos attack

  2. Nivdia has some NICE announcements at CES

    1. http://www.anandtech.com/show/7622/nvidia-tegra-k1

    2. Nvidia Gsync monitors

  3. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2014-01-06-first-steam-machine-to-debuto-this-month-for-usd1899 - Not sure what to think about this. It actually looks kinda ugly.

  4. MGS5 gets rare sexual violence rating from ESRB - First since 2006. http://kotaku.com/metal-gear-solid-v-gets-rare-sexual-violence-ratings-1495802973?utm_campaign=Socialflow_Kotaku_Twitter&utm_source=Kotaku_Twitter&utm_medium=Socialflow - best Twitter reply ever!!

  5. Callout to SFML

What I’m Playing Now

  1. P4G!!!!

  2. Urban Trial Freestyle

  3. Wake Up Club

  4. Paper’s Please

  5. P3P

What I WANT to play Now!

  1. Monaco

  2. Papers Please

The opening bumpers are from Goto80 - this machine thinks and Goto80 - alias and are both covered under a CC-BYNCSA 3.0 License.